Tai Chi, Martial Arts & Meditation
New beginner tai chi course, starts 5th February

Beginners Tai Chi
What We Practice

Applied Tai Chi
Applied Tai Chi classes are not your regular Tai Chi classes! Learn a short form, then explore the conditioning and partner practices to develop strength, structure, relaxation and deep awareness. Tai Chi is a principle based martial art providing a great cross training opportunity. Especially valuable as time or injury gets in the way of your regular practice.

Escrima, Tai Chi Staff & Stick
Traditional training from Pilipino Escrima, Tai Chi Staff and Chinese stick systems, with practical instruction for an engaging experience. Get fit, integrate mind and body, improve hand eye co-ordination and work towards a flow state while discovering Asia's rich cultural heritage through the mastery of the most primitive of tools.

Tai Chi, Meditation & Neigong
Tai Chi practice and meditation, breath work and internal strength practices from a number of asian traditions. Great for physical and mental health. Run as courses though out the year to give you a practice to take away for life. These are not martial arts classes and focus on balance, health and fitness.
Benefits of Practice






